Saturday, October 30, 2010

Project Censored 2011 - Western Lifestyle Continues Environmental Footprint

(Courtesy of Google Images)


The Western lifestyle is unsustainable. Period. 

Travel and tourism are HUGE reasons our lifestyle is increasingly unsustainable - the energy consumption of these industries is through the roof!

The internet has come to be such an intrinsic part of our everyday life, yet is is the cause of MANY environmental problems, mainly extensive energy consumption

The West's energy consumption is said to be responsible for melting glaciers all over the world. 

I honestly do not believe this is a truly censored story.    It is old news. Nothing mentioned in the article was new to me.  I was aware of all issues involving the unneccessary and unrealistic amounts of energy that not only the WEST consumes, but also the ENTIRE WORLD.  

I found a great website that acts as a directory for the Top 35 Environmental Blogs.  
The introduction for the site presents itself as follows:

"There are hundreds, if not thousands, of blogs dedicated to the environment on the Internet. That's really no surprise given that environmental conservation is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and has become especially pertinent in recent years due to concerns about global warming and mega-hit documentaries like Former US Vice President Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth."

There you have it! This is not a new issue or idea.  It's been presented to us again and again,  but to no avail.  

Also, I think this article has a lot more to do with energy consumption than anything else.  The title of the article should have presented this idea more than just referencing our "environmental footprint".  

(Courtesy of Google Images)

Of course there were copious amounts of related news searches in LexisNexis.  Because as I said, this really isn't much of a censored story.  If anything, it's a story that no one pays enough attention to, but definitely not censored.  I think perhaps it was just an attempt of the editors to briefly mention a topic that they are concerned about.  But giving a topic the illusion of secrecy really doesn't make it censored

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  1. Good presentation here, Rebekah.

    I agree with you - the use of the Internet is a huge energy "suck" - we seldom think of this when we use our Web 2.0 machines.

    Dr. W
