Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama Revelations!

#1: Dirty Money - Obama's Campaign Funded by Private Military Corporations

US citizens protesting Blackwater
(courtesy of Google Images)

As seen in Paul Street’s book Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics, Obama’s anti-war stance is really not all that anti-war.  In the beginning of his presidential term, Obama pledged to “try to remove all combat brigades within 16 to 18 months” (144). “Try to” turned out to mean “probably won’t” and as of today, we have yet to see a full withdrawal of troops from the war zone. 

Street also points out that Obama’s presidency had reason to sustain the occupation of American forces in Iraq.  “The Obama campaign could not rule out using private military corporations like Blackwater Worldwide, Dyncorp, and Triple Canopy in Iraq” (145).

This fact clearly illustrates how Obama made false claims about removing troops from Iraq simply to appeal to his audience and placate the masses.  People needed to believe that an end to the war was coming soon, but the reality is that Obama and his committee have absolutely no plans for withdrawal.

After doing some research, I found out from this blog that Blackwater (currently known as Xe) receives 90% of its revenue from the US Government.  This means that a mercenary company is being almost entirely funded by American taxpayer’s money.  This mean that TAXPAYERS are FUNDING TERRORISM.  And all the while we are tricked into thinking that soon there will be an end to the war.  

(courtesy of Google Images)

#2 - Hidden Truth - The American Public was Deceived 

Deception played a massive role in the emergence of the “Obama Nation” in 2007 and 2008. Obama’s true stances on important issues like his position on Iraq, the future of the American Empire, health care, the energy crisis, and trade agreements may not actually be what they seem.  

Street suggests that Obama is actually far more centrist and conservative than he claims to be.  “...his rhetoric and image (Like those of Hillary Clinton) have been carefully crafted to tell progressively inclined primary voters that he is one of them” (Street, 167).  Street claims that this deception spawns from the work of Republicans, who have “long practiced the art of pseudo-populist deception, to no small effect in U. S. Political life and policy” (Street, 167).  

Check out this viral film by filmmaker Alex Jones:

#3 - The Top 1% Controlling the Polls

In order for Obama to become president (or anyone to become president for that matter), he had to gain the approval of the top 1 percent of American voters. These are the people who own most of the nation’s financial wealth and they contribute more than three-fourths of campaign contributions.  

(Courtesy of Google Images)

“People from within (the top 1% of Americans) that opulent and highly class-conscious category of Americans are quite notoriously and logically hostile to left progressive ideals and movements, which threaten their disproportionate wealth and power” (Street, 195). 

How can our society make any progress as a “democratic” society there are such disparities in wealth among our citizens, and if such a small, powerful, concentrated sector of our population is really in charge of what goes on in political, economic and social arenas?

#4 - A Fresh Face 

America's stagnant political landscape prior to Obama's introduction into the national political arena had a lot to do with the way Americans reacted to his campaign. His was a fresh, young, intelligent guy. He was black! He was different and new. Apparently people assumed that those traits would translate into actual political actions and "change".

(Image from seiu.org)

“A Pew poll showed voters identifying the name ‘Barack Obama’ with the words ‘new,’ young,’ ‘charismatic’ and ‘smart.’  Obama’s relative youth, combined with his race and his seemingly (for most Americans) odd-sounding name - and the fact that he had emerged on the national stage seemingly ‘overnight’...” (Street, xxv).

The aspect of newness is really important to American voters, and this could have a lot to do with Obama’s success at the polls. It was a tense time economically and politically in America and his fresh face correlated with the change that he preached. 

#5 - The ‘Melting Pot’ Personified - Obama’s Multicultural Appeal 

Obama was presented to the American public as something like a “cure-all” for racial inequality and injustice, yet his actual presidency has not really done all that much to end this problem. “Obama has been noticeably reluctant to explicitly align himself with the historical struggle for black equality or to confront the continuing problems of race and racism in America and Global Affairs” (Street, 80).

A lot of people used Obama's race and ethnocultural heritage as a way to justify voting for him. So said a political donor in NH, "His election would do more to restore people's faith and belief in the U.S. around the world.... I think it would be a remarkable moment in history" (Street, xxvi). 

(Image from life.com)

It just goes to show that people were getting way too romantic with the concept of Obama as president, instead of actually thinking about whether or not he could actually do something to improve the many failing aspects of our country.

#6 -Head Honchos - The Corporate Agenda

Obama was picked and prepped for us as a president by the “national power elites” and the large corporate entities that dominate our society. 

"The process of selecting elected officials in the United States is largely controlled by those who have the money to fund expensive campaigns... (The corporate community's) supposed interest in funding the 'democratic process' cloaks their darker and largely successful agenda of undermining democracy and turning it to their own ends both immediate and systemic"" (65).

(Image from laprogressive.com)

The big companies with fat wallets are the people who pick our president.  It has nothing to do with polls and votes! 
For the sake of the future of our country, social movements in America seriously need to “take back control of the country from big money” (Street, 213).

#7 - America, Grab Your Guns - Obama and National Defense

People tended to correlate Obama’s alleged anti-war/anti-imperial foreign policy to his black/multicultural identity.  In March of 2008 Obama began to develop a much more conservative approach to the issue of the Iraq war policy.

“There is little chance of ultimate success for a candidate who questions the inherent underlying nobility of global dominance and/or the need to back American hegemony with a stupendous military budget and a fierce readiness to use military force...”  

#8 - Media Mayhem and Obama’s Success

(Image from foliomag.com)

The media blatantly portrayed Obama as the most positive choice for democratic candidate for presidency. In a Newsweek spread, the magazine did a cover story on Obama and Clinton and showed only black and white, dreary photos of Clinton, while showing only vibrant, color photos of Obama and his family.

The Rolling Stone Magazine featured Obama on numerous occasions as well.  

“Once he attained dominant media favor, this coverage became perhaps the critical driving force behind ‘the Obama phenomenon’... It’s all part of that media’s remarkable capacity to create celebrity and to shape hearts andminds for or against specific public personalities” (Street, 178). 

Neil Postman would agree with Paul Street that our society has very “image-centered elections system and political culture (Street, 166). 

#9 - The Cost of Campaigning 

 "Nearly half of the more than $5 million Obama raised for his 2004 Senate Primary came from just 300 donors" (15). These donors included owners of the Hyatt hotel chain and and the military contracting company General Dynamics. Obama received $13.2 million from 'lawyers and law firms' between January '07 and January '08. The majority of these are massive, global corporate law firms obsessed with enforcing capitalism across the planet.

Obama also created his own group called the Political Action Committee (PAC) that spent tens of thousands of dollars in supporting the 2006 congressional elections.

Yes We CON: Obama Controlled by PAC Money
Uploaded by yeswecon. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

The entire Obama campaign and administration is extremely contradictory and hypocritical in and of itself..., Obama insists that he refuses to take money from lobbyists, but many of the "lawyers" that were donating money to his campaign were also registered lobbyists for large corporations.

#10 - A Desperate Need for Restructuring  

The final Obama Revelation I have had is that a serious “change” is needed in how the political spectrum of our society is conducted.  Street suggests many ideas to achieve this goal: 

- Executive leadership for the creation of an “Active Citizens’ Network”
- Reconstruct the corporation’s legal status and social purpose
End big money and corporate domination of U.S. politics and policy
- Counter global corporate blackmail and exit threats
- Transform the “moral values’ conversation and honor the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
- End and reject the Iraq occupation on moral and legal grounds, not just pragmatic and strategic ground
-Renounce empire and big brother
- Fight climate change. 

(Image from onepennysheet.com)

I understand these things won’t happen overnight, but it’s definitely the right direction!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cold Turkey - Media Meditation #4

I read an article a while ago on Huffintonpost.com about Turkey lifting it's 2-year ban on YouTube.  This shocked me! I was completely unaware that Turkey had such a ban, or that any countries had a ban on such a powerful and influential social media tool like YouTube.

CNET also reported on this same issue:

"The ban has been removed," Yildirim said on Turkish TV news channel NTV, according to various media reports. "But we didn't get here easily, we have been through a lot in the process. I hope that they have also learned from this experience and the same thing will not happen again. YouTube will hopefully carry out its organization in Turkey within the limits of law in the future."

(read the rest of the article here)

I guess in one sense I have thought about bans like this in other countries, like China, but not one so close to European influence.  Apparently, the only reason the site was banned in the first place was because the Prime Minister did not approve of a few videos that poked fun at him.  Since those videos were removed, the country has been pushing for this ban to be lifted, and it finally has.  

Another interesting notion I've been considering recently (thanks to the HuffPost) is the concept of working from home.  

When I first entered college, I had absolutely no idea as to what direction I wanted to head in for my professional career.  I still don't have too much of a specific plan, but I have been intrigued lately about the idea of working from home and doing freelance design or writing work.

I read this article about a 60 year old man who lost his job as a real estate broker in 2008 at the height of the housing market crisis.  Instead of going out into the world to work for someone else again, he decided to sit down and pool together his skills and resources, and started making websites with the help of a startup web development company.

Since then, he has created over 12 successful sales websites.  It just goes to show how you can do anything online, and it makes me wonder what effect this concept will have on the corporate work structure of our world in a long-term sense.

(Courtesy of Google Images)

~~~ Update!! ~~ 

As of 12/12/10, YouTube has been banned YET AGAIN in Turkey. 


"The battle between YouTube and Turkish officials continued this week as Turkey reportedly unblocked and then re-blocked the Google-owned video site in the country over unflattering videos of the country's political leaders... On Tuesday night, a Turkish court banned YouTube again, this time over an old video purportedly showing former opposition leader Deniz Baykal in a hotel room with someone other than his wife."

Read the rest of the article here.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Project Censored 2011 - Western Lifestyle Continues Environmental Footprint

(Courtesy of Google Images)


The Western lifestyle is unsustainable. Period. 

Travel and tourism are HUGE reasons our lifestyle is increasingly unsustainable - the energy consumption of these industries is through the roof!

The internet has come to be such an intrinsic part of our everyday life, yet is is the cause of MANY environmental problems, mainly extensive energy consumption

The West's energy consumption is said to be responsible for melting glaciers all over the world. 

I honestly do not believe this is a truly censored story.    It is old news. Nothing mentioned in the article was new to me.  I was aware of all issues involving the unneccessary and unrealistic amounts of energy that not only the WEST consumes, but also the ENTIRE WORLD.  

I found a great website that acts as a directory for the Top 35 Environmental Blogs.  
The introduction for the site presents itself as follows:

"There are hundreds, if not thousands, of blogs dedicated to the environment on the Internet. That's really no surprise given that environmental conservation is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and has become especially pertinent in recent years due to concerns about global warming and mega-hit documentaries like Former US Vice President Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth."

There you have it! This is not a new issue or idea.  It's been presented to us again and again,  but to no avail.  

Also, I think this article has a lot more to do with energy consumption than anything else.  The title of the article should have presented this idea more than just referencing our "environmental footprint".  

(Courtesy of Google Images)

Of course there were copious amounts of related news searches in LexisNexis.  Because as I said, this really isn't much of a censored story.  If anything, it's a story that no one pays enough attention to, but definitely not censored.  I think perhaps it was just an attempt of the editors to briefly mention a topic that they are concerned about.  But giving a topic the illusion of secrecy really doesn't make it censored

Related Links:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Snail Rail No More - Media Meditation #3

The future of transportation?:

MONORAILS (embed code did not work)
I recently read an article from the Huffington Post about California's quest to construct a system of high-speed passenger monorails.  
This plan, the first segment of which is expected to be completed by 2020, is a necessary step in our society’s evolution of transportation.  Rail transportation is hundreds of times more efficient than our other fuel-based methods of fuel-based travel.   If employed an a large-scale basis, it would significantly decrease pollution levels caused by fuel exhaust.  

(courtesy of Google Images)

The last paragraph of the article states:
"It's not only about fast trains; high-speed rail represents a fundamentally different way of operating a passenger rail system with trains, track, and stations that are digitally aware, interconnected and infused with intelligence. It promises to be one smart ride."
I think this is a reflection of where our society and the future of our technology is headed.  The same kind of statements can be seen with the newest models of cars that come out each year.  
Our need for speed in all areas of life is becoming kind of overwhelming. It's taking over our brains and the way we think.  Obviously the Internet and related media technologies have been the pioneers of fast-paced lifestyles.
A survey from AllAboutAuto.us recently revealed that more and more automobile owners want the internet in their vehicles!  

(Courtesy of Google Images)

In one way this technological shift is a good thing.  It is seamlessly integrating all of our technologies into a more smoothly operating system that allows us to communicate faster and more efficiently with one another, as well as the ability to share exponential amounts of information across broad networks of people and groups.  

But at the same time this constant interconnectedness could cause some serious changes in the way we operate as people.  

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Modern Family and the Implications of the "Like" Button - Media Meditation #2

(Courtesy of Google Images)

One of my current favorite shows is Modern Family on ABC. The second season just launched, and I think this show is a great contemporary take on the amount of diversity and non-traditional structure found in American families today. The show's witty and often awkward use of humor begs viewer's limbic brains to tune right in. 

While I typically am not the biggest fan of many prime-time TV series, I do think this show has a lot to offer.  It's an innovative, cleverly produced series that embraces both traditional American family values and the idea of a rapidly evolving norm of what we can consider your "average" American family.  

If more television were like this series, I think I would not be as wary as I am about how badly TV is otherwise polluting our minds.  

Here's a clip from the show:

Another interesting bit of news I recently stumbled upon was an article called What the 'Like' button means for web traffic

(Courtesy of Google Images)

The article discusses how the 'Like' button, which apparently has only been around since April of this year, is supplying Facebook even more endless amounts of statistics and user information.  

I've always been aware that Facebook is obviously a hugely influential tool for advertisers and social researchers, and it has always bothered me that people are constantly mining data to gather facts about every little detail of our life. But with all the new information the 'Like' button is providing, I think it's time to maybe reconsider how much time I really spend on the good old 'book. 

(Courtesy of Google Images)

It comes down to the issue of a cultural shift - from a time of privacy to an age of almost constant surveillance.  It's almost Orwellian, the amount of data out there that is always being collected and analyzed so that someone always knows what we're up to.  

Like we recently talked about in class, more and more people are having a hard time knowing when to unplug from their social media and technology sources.  

Which brings me to my final topic, that of Mashable.com's article titled When It's More Polite to Unplug, which brings up similar concerns.  This article basically offers a breakdown of situations when it's just absolutely unacceptable to communicate with someone via social media technology instead of face to face (or at least voice to voice).  On the list were birthdays, deaths, saying thank you for a gift, tragedies... etc. 

It's just sad we need people to write these articles for us.  We really don't know when to unplug! Digital devices are becoming an increasingly intrinsic part of our everyday lives, and who knows how far this trend will go.  In my opinion, the reality that MT Anderson presented in Feed is much more probable than some people might think. 

Catfish... Hook, Line, and Sinker - Media Meditation #1

Perhaps you have seen this very interesting trailer for the new movie Catfish

I know what you're thinking. Another movie about Facebook? Come on.

But I bet you're pretty intrigued none the less. 

When I first saw this trailer, I got angry. Really angry.  Because honestly, I'm sick and tired of movies that claim to be "true" over and over again, and even go to extremes in their production techniques  such as filming in psuedo documentary/mockumentary styles that further convince gullible audiences what they're seeing is real.  I'm not entirely sure if Catfish is legitimately true or not, but if it's anything like past movies with identical claims, it isn't. 

Remember that movie The Fourth Kind

It was presented in a similar fashion:

And it turned out to be 100% fabricated. 

Crazy right? The way these trailers hone right in on our limbic brain, getting us all concerned and emotionally invested about what's going on because, oh it just looks so interesting! Real footage! Wow! Great reviews! I have to go see this right now! Without ever even considering that maybe it's all a crock of shit... ?

These false claims are irritating. I mean honestly, what kind of message are film companies sending the world when they are blatantly lying to their audiences? I understand that maybe for the purposes of "theater" and "entertainment" some people might think it's okay to make false claims such as these, but in reality it's perpetuating an even bigger problem in our society.

It brings us back to the importance of always QUESTIONING the media. Reflecting back to the first chapter of our textbook, we are told that in order to create a healthy relationship between the MEDIA and the PUBLIC, "readers (or viewers, in this case) of media products must actively interpret media messages."  This idea parallels that of Neil Postman's thesis in his book Amusing Ourselves to Death - that the infiltration of the television into American families has contributed immensely to the 
downfall of American politics, as well as education, religion, and numerous other social institutions.

(Image courtesy of Google Images)

It also echoes the concept of an overall decline in the state of human intelligence as brought up by Nicholas Carr in his article Is Google Making Us Stupid?  Carr argues that the overwhelming amount of instant information available to us is quickly eroding our ability to perform even the simplest of tasks - like taking the time to read an entire book or even an entire online article without skimming along or becoming distracted.  This need for a variety of quick and constant mental stimulation is prohibiting people from critically analyzing what they are exposed to and essentially forming any thoughts of particular depth.  

(Courtesy of  Google Images)

We have to start THINKING for ourselves, and about ourselves.  A decline in individual self-reflection makes us more and more susceptible to manipulation from outside entities.   

It's pathetic. More and more of the media we are exposed to are just big lies built to expand profits at the box office and at corporate headquarters.  And as we all know it's not just the film industry that's lying to us.  Lies and misinformation are plastered all over the media, and the sad part is we don't even care... we still buy the products and pay to see the movies and believe way too much of what we hear without ever really trying to get to the bottom of it.