Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I once heard someone describe the development of humanity by comparing it to a coin that you throw into those big spiral wishing wells, where the coin goes around and around quite slowly at first, and then gradually it begins to pick up speed, moving faster and faster until, when it’s right at the bottom, it’s spinning so fast you can barely see it. I can’t say I know exactly where society is headed, but I do feel like we are moving at a fast rate of change. 

Sometimes I find myself blown away by the fact that the internet even exists.  In a very short period of time, our methods of communication evolved into something far more instant than ever before. The rate of advancement in terms of technological developments in our society seem rapid and I wonder what kind of impact this will have on professions such as PR, marketing and advertising. The government has attempted to start making some big changes in the way the Internet exists - with more regulation and corporate domination since old media industries are dying. 

New media is a powerful tool and one that’s constantly evolving. I think it’s a great development for PR and marketing communications. I don't know what it implies for the individual, but I’m interested to see where it goes from here. 

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